Monday, 1 September 2014

The True Cost Of Gig Going (Part 8) - Travel

This year as part of an ongoing project to determine how much going to see a band really costs we’ve been religiously recording every gig and festival we attend and how much we spend, not just in terms of ticket price but what we squander on travel, drinks, merchandise, accommodation and any other additional costs we encounter.

This month rather than give our usual full price breakdown we’re examining just one particular aspect - travel.

This year so far we’ve been to 42 gigs and festivals and have enjoyed 270 different performances at them.

In doing so our most visited town or city is London (75 miles from where we live), with 36% of our gig attendance.The second is Portsmouth (24%), our home city, where all gig venues are within walking distance and therefore there are no travel costs. Brighton clocks in third.

Here’s the full breakdown of our gig attendance by town and city for 2014 so far:

Here’s some more travel related statistics and facts:

  • So far we've spent £676 on travel to gigs and festivals this year.
  • We've journeyed 1,966 miles to get to the gigs, but including travel home afterwards that's 3,932 miles.
  • That's an average travel distance of just under 94 miles per gig or festival.
  • So far this year it has cost an average of 17p per mile to go to gigs, helped by the fact that 10 of them we were able to walk to at zero cost as they were in our home city.
  • This month we'll be travelling 5,300 miles to go to 1 gig - although that's not technically correct as we're actually travelling for a holiday, but we couldn't resist fitting in a gig whilst we were there! We'll only be counting the travel distance and cost for that gig from our hotel to the venue and back.

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