Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Black Honey - The Taste

Don’t be fooled by Black Honey. Although there’s been some Lana Del Rey type comparisons, there’s a noisy beast with dirty fingernails clawing its way out from within. The Taste unleashes the monster fully by way of a song that manages to place cooing sighs alongside fistfuls of no-holds barred noise and lip-curling guitars. There’s probably going to be a few Wolf Alice comparisons with this one and that’s no bad thing. Watch out for the guitars at the end, the sound of someone getting off big time; that’s some climax. Of course now that another Brighton based band (Royal Blood) have allowed the media to write that ‘guitars are back’ rubbish once again, Black Honey stand a good chance of getting some attention. How long will it be before someone hails Brighton ‘the new guitar band capital of the UK’ we wonder? That of course would also be a load of bollocks – there have always been good bands of all genres hailing from that seaside city, but we give it a month.

And don't be fooled by the artwork giving the suggestion that the band are actually a television. We've seen them in real life. We've even touched one of them  and we can confirm that they are real living breathing humans just like the rest of us. They're just keeping their visual identity under the shroud of darkness right now. If we told you who they are / were they might kill us.

Anyway, this one’s a corker. Let it shoot its load in your ears.

Black Honey - The Taste

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