Tuesday, 26 August 2014

James Vincent McMorrow - When I Leave

It’s been a long time since Mr James Vincent McMorrow featured on Breaking More Waves, but a few hours ago he posted the following words on his Facebook page and grabbed our attention:

“I've been recording when I can over the summer, on the floors of festival dressing rooms, in hotels, I've been waiting for everyone to fall asleep so I can track vocals in the back lounge of the bus. Making Post Tropical definitely lit a fire. There's no plan for any of it, I have an album in the world and it is rightfully taking up a lot of my energy, but I've plenty energy to go around, I'd like to start putting out some ideas while the ink is still wet, I want people to hear them, to know what they are when we play them live during the autumn Euro and US tours.

Disclaimer. They're not polished, nothing recorded on the road ever could be, a lot of time spent removing crazy back ground sounds from vocals etc. That's the point though I guess, snapshots.

When I was in college I'd go out a lot, but I wasn't the guy that was the centre of everyone's attention, I was usually standing awkwardly in the corner. But just because you're standing in the corner doesn't mean you don't love to dance. That's what this song is about I guess, dance like no one's watching.”

So there you have it. Possibly our laziest blog post ever with a straight cut and paste job, but it said what needed to be said.

When I Leave might only be a demo, but it’s a fascinating one, starting from a slow synth soundscape then journeying to a soulful beat laden high. We can imagine this being a perfect set closer – it’s free to download.

James Vincent McMorrow - When I Leave

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