Thursday, 24 July 2014

LUKA ‡ - New Waves

If we were going to write one of those 100 albums you must hear before you die lists, Selected Ambient Works 85-92 by Aphex Twin would without doubt be somewhere on there. It was and remains a truly groundbreaking piece of work. The reason we mention this is because on listening to Cult by 23 year old LUKA ‡ we could hear a distant similarity to the master maverick himself Mr Richard D James and that brilliant record. It’s the eerie clicks in particular, the ones that sound like they’ve been recorded in a distant cave that give Cult the slightly creepy but fascinating aura. It doesn’t particularly go anywhere, there’s no big drop that so many electronic records seem to have these days, just repetitive sounds cascading and licking around your ears in a simple but beautiful way, but it works.

Cult is taken from LUKA ‡’s (real name Luka Seifert) debut EP, which is a hugely rewarding listen for fans of ambient techno, experimental electronic music, analogue studio sounds and of course of early Aphex Twin. Apparently his Tumblr page Inside The Nest has 150,000 followers, which sounds pretty impressive, but let’s be honest we really don’t care. Let’s just listen to the music.

LUKA ‡ - Cult

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