Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Gospel - New Waves

Everything about pop music is a relationship; we attach emotions to songs and form long (or short) lasting bonds with records. Even musicians themselves have the frustrations and joys that go hand in hand with being together and sadly sometimes they go through the musical equivalent of divorces. Creatures of Love is / was (?) a band we wrote about a small number of times in 2011 and who soldiered on until the end of 2013 where there appeared to be something similar to a trial separation as they announced  that they were taking  ‘a little break from Creatures of Love whilst we have lives, relationships, jobs & DVD boxsets to catch up on.’ We hope they tried Breaking Bad.

So whilst the future of Creatures of Love appears somewhat unclear at this stage, one of their number has returned with a new project, and you can take it as gospel that first impressions are excellent. For Gospel is former COL member Chris Willshire together with Beth Anderton-Allen and their debut song Disasters Running Wild is a prodigious and compelling indie power ballad. Chris recently told God Is In The TV the following:  “When we disbanded last September I was left in a bit of a wilderness and was ready to pack it all in, but when buying an acoustic piano from my bedroom in the Autumn the delivery guy convinced me that the time was now to capitalise on that success and use it to find another singer so I started advertising.” The advertising found Beth, Beth found Chris, the two of them found music and now we have this song. 

Disasters Running Wild sounds a tiny bit like London Grammar fronted by Stevie Nicks but with some oomph like Michael Fassbender’s Magneto character in the latest X-Men film; towards the end the guitars become stadium destroying. It’s released via iTunes and Bandcamp on July 7th.

Gospel - Disasters Running Wild

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