Sunday 4 May 2014

Laura Groves - Friday

“Tell Laura I love her,” sang both Ray Peterson and Ricky Valance in the 60’s, and whilst we’re not going to end up crashing and burning like the protagonist in that particular song did just to marry her, we’re pretty enamoured with the music Miss Groves has created. Her album under the name Blue Roses was our favourite of 2009 and her recent work with Nautic plus her own Thinking About Thinking EP have all been thoroughly good listens as well.

Recently the Bradford lass uploaded a new demo to Soundcloud, which if we had any sense of journalistic timing we would have streamed two days ago, but thankfully Friday is a song that deserves to be listened to every day of the week, so today will do just fine. This is a soft hued piano ballad that could have easily found a place on her 2009 record. It’s characterised by Laura’s wonderful cherubic voice and ability to write a melody that is both warmly and easily accessible yet still requires multiple listens to fully immerse yourself in it.

If you live in London or its surrounds, clear your diary on the 30th July, for Laura's playing a show at St Pancras Old Church. You can tell her that you love her there* and as it's a church, who knows, maybe there will be marriage as well?

*Probably best that you don't though - you might get thrown out for being a bit weird and stalker like.

Laura Groves - Friday

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