Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Sophie Jamieson - Stain

Quite possibly not a song about that nasty blemish on the carpet caused by drunk Simon dropping his glass of red wine at the party, Breaking More Waves One To Watch 2014 and UK Blog Sound of 2014 nominated artist Sophie Jamieson returns to the fold with the discoloured and exquisite Stain and induces all sorts of chills and goosebumps.

Sophie seems a pretty accommodating sort of lady. "I can forget if you need," she sings, the combination of her soothing voice and serene guitars feeding the song with a sense of deep stillness. Of course we all know human beings can't just forget on command. We can choose to not let something bother us, but it's never truly forgotten. But then maybe Sophie is singing this song from the perspective of a goldfish? They have pretty short memories.

So there you have it. Stain is the most gorgeously affecting and remarkably sensitive song we've ever heard, sung from the perspective of a goldfish who has forgotten about Simon's drunken accident on the carpet at the party. Possibly.

Sophie Jamieson could make even the bleakest thing sound like beauty.

Stain is released on May 19th through Luv Luv Luv.

Sophie Jamieson - Stain

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