Friday 25 April 2014

Layla - Black Mud (Video)

A while ago we saw Layla play her first UK show under her new moniker and during the gig she mentioned a future video shoot and that she was looking for two people who were prepared to get naked and make love on camera. Thankfully we held back from volunteering, the visions of us bouncing around amateur porn style whilst Layla’s beautiful music played would be a pretty unappealing match to most people after all.

Thankfully the end result is far more aesthetically pleasing (but also quite sad) and the song, an evocative piece of emotion and sensitivity, is one of those stop whatever you’re doing and lose yourself in the music moments. So tender, so lovely, if we were a little bit in love with Layla before, we’re totally besotted now. 

The Black Mud EP is released on the 28th April and considering it also contains the previously blogged Smokestacks you will be committing a crime against music if you don’t pre-order it from here

Layla - Black Mud (Video)

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