Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Cousin Marnie - New Waves

Looking at a music blog is the internet’s version of musical speed dating; a speedy and potentially efficient use of your time in sourcing the best in new music without any beating around the bush about what you want. And so today, whilst you’re with us for two minutes or so, let us introduce you to a new potential musical girlfriend. Her name is Cousin Marnie. Here are the facts that you need to know to decide if you want to take it further. (Sorry we don’t have her number if you do.)

1. Cousin Marnie isn’t actually called Cousin Marnie. Her real name is Julie Ann Hartigan.

2. She’s already been around the block a bit, having been putting tracks on Soundcloud for the last 11 months.

3. Referencing the biblical story of Cain and Abel, her new track (streaming below) is the sort of ghostly pop noir that we’re big fans of at Breaking More Waves. 

4. Cain was produced by David Kosten who has worked with the likes of Bat For Lashes, Josh Record and Everything Everything. You can imagine Bat For Lashes having a crack at this one.

5. Her debut EP, Is Sleeping featured four covers of The Carter Family who apparently were a big influence on her whilst growing up. 

6. Her twitter tagline is “My karaoke song is, and always will be, Stand By Your Man.” We refuse to do karaoke so in terms of a speed date maybe this isn’t going to work out, although we love her music. For the record our karaoke song if we were drunk or bribed enough to lose all sense of dignity would be New Song by Howard Jones. 

7. She’s playing the Sebright Arms in London on March 10th which we would recommend attending (it could be your first date proper after this speed dating session). 

8. She appears to like cats (see above) and bunny rabbits (see here)

9. She once dressed up as one of the twins from The Shining.

Speed date over. Time’s up. Based on these 9 facts and the music below, we’d suggest this is unlikely to be the last time we feature Cousin Marnie. Particularly because of The Shining dressing up episode.

Cousin Marnie - Cain

Cousin Marnie - You've Been Fooling Me Baby


  1. She's dope. Nothing wrong with 'Your Song'!

    1. I meant New Song...New Song damn it, I had all Howard Jones tapes!
