Sunday, 16 February 2014

Blooms - If I

On New Year’s Day we published a list entitled 20 Things We Want To Happen To Music And The Internet in 2014. Since then it has become the most viewed / read post in the blog’s five and a half year history.

Rather like backing every horse in the Grand National and then claiming you picked the winner, of those 20 items we’ve already seen a few of them come true. Well done America for scrapping X-Factor and partially ticking off want number 2 (hopefully the UK will follow suit soon) and we’re very pleased to announce that the sponsored 24 hour Blogathon we completed with Alphabet Bands blog raised just over £1,500 for Cancer Research, so number 15 on the list was well and truly hit. No sign of that 2nd Nicola Roberts album though, so items 19 and 20 remain unfulfilled. 

Item 14 on the list related to our boredom of artists that launch themselves to the world shrouded in mystery, with no identity, image or anything other than music.  ‘Even better let's forget this 'mystery artist' idea – it’s only something that (mostly) the industry and media care about,’ we wrote.

So praise be to Louise Cunnane who launched her musical project Blooms with the heavenly Skin as another bloody mystery artist, but has quickly removed that veil and not only told us who she is, but shown who she is (picture above). Good, now we’ve got that over and done with we can get on with the important bit and listen to the music.

If I is the second track to be revealed from Blooms. It’s a slow flowering introspective beauty that drip feeds layers of subtle beats and glossy downbeat electronics whilst Louise’s warm sigh wafts around over and over. Together with Skin it bodes very well for a graceful and melancholy debut EP, even when Louise isn’t being ever so secretive about her identity.

Blooms - If I

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