Friday, 31 January 2014

24 Hour Blogathon : Blooms - New Waves

As we continue our 24 hour non-stop charity blog marathon we’d like to introduce you to a new act who goes by the name Blooms, who we discovered earlier today, ironically by way of a post from Alphabet Bands blog, our blog brother who is also participating in this 24 hour charity event.

What do we know of Blooms? Very little. She’s already received some early blog attention back in October, notably from Crack In The Road and Gold Flake Paint, two UK blogs who manage to deliver an extraordinary amount of new music nearly every day (today however, we’re winning that game - for once we have plenty of spare time).

But besides that all we know is that Blooms seems to be following the mystery artist route - we can't even find a website or Facebook for her, but we do know she is from the UK and was introduced by a mutual friend to Darragh from Sacred Animals and the two worked together and Blooms was 'born'. The mystery artist route is one that if we’re honest we’re becoming utterly bored of. (See rule 14 here). But thankfully Blooms redeems herself with a rather exquisite piece of pop music that is full on naked intimacy. “Come keep me company, I need your company, maybe your arms around me, maybe your arms around me,” she sings over a textured production of minimalist electronics and whispered beats. Skin is taken from Blooms’ debut EP titled If due February.

Footnote: This is the second song called Skin we've featured this month following the beauty from Rae Morris earlier this month.

This blog post is one of a series published as part of Breaking More Waves non-stop 24 hour Blogathon to raise money for Cancer Research UK. If you have read this post and enjoyed it or the music we’d really appreciate it if you would donate £2 to Cancer Research using the button below.

Blooms - Skin

JustGiving - Sponsor me now!

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