Friday, 31 January 2014

24 Hour Blogathon : Clare Maguire - Lilac Time

Clare Maguire has been uploading a number of cover versions and new songs online over the last few months. Each one has been stripped down, full of depth and a long way from the inflated pop fires of her debut album Light After Dark. The latest release recorded for Burberry's recent Menswear A/W 2014 Show is quite possibly the most beautiful yet. Lilac Wine is a cover of a song originally written by James Shelton in 1950 and has already been sung by the likes of Eartha Kitt, Nina Simone, Elkie Brooks and Jeff Buckley. From that list you can probably tell that this song is not one to be taken lightly and Clare treats it with just the kind of tenderness it deserves.

It was 2009 when we first featured Clare on the blog as a brand new unsigned artist. Since then we understand her journey hasn’t always been an easy one, but we’re incredibly glad that she’s still here, still singing from the heart and still creating goose bumps down our neck.

Clare's giving away a free mixtape which you can grab by clicking on the Soundcloud player below.

This blog post is one of a series published as part of Breaking More Waves non-stop 24 hour Blogathon to raise money for Cancer Research UK. If you have read this post and enjoyed it or the music we’d really appreciate it if you would donate £2 (or more) to Cancer Research using the button below. 

Clare Maguire - Lilac Time

JustGiving - Sponsor me now!

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