Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Iyes - 'Til Infinity

“Isn’t it about time that Brighton duo Iyes actually put out a proper single rather than fannying around with the occasional Soundcloud demo?” you may be asking. After all that’s what bands who know what they’re doing do.

Well it seems that Iyes do know what they’re doing. Because not only are they putting a single out (it's on iTunes now), but they’re releasing it via a new London based boutique label called Duly Noted. Even more important than that and the ultimate proof in the pudding, ‘Til Infinity is a very good song indeed – even better than previous demos Lighthouse and Glow, which we liked a lot.

Here are some of the things we particularly like about ‘Til Infinity:

1. The sombre drums that lead off are a bit of a trick. You could be forgiven for thinking that you’re about to listen to some sort of emo rock band, but don’t worry, you’re not.

2. Melis Soyaslanova’s vocals. They’re gorgeous, as in ‘we wish you could sing to us all day to the exclusion of all others’ gorgeous, as in hearts-melting gorgeous, as in we surrender now gorgeous. We think you get the point.

3. Although they’ve been banded around as an electronic pop group, there’s actually far more going on than just electronics.

4. They’re obviously a very clean and tidy band as part of the song involves singing about not spilling the wine. 

In summary: Good tune – clean and tidy – gorgeous - emo drums.

Iyes - 'Til Infinity

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