Sunday, 15 September 2013

FKA Twigs - Papi Pacify (Video)

Tahliah Barnett just can’t make her mind up can she? First she was Twigs Paramour, then just plain old Twigs and now she’s become FKA Twigs. Does this mean that her first name is now FKA? That could be a bit awkward  it if you met her and tried to say her first name.

Taken from her EP2 released through Young Turks here is a new video and song. Don’t adjust the volume after the first few seconds – it’s meant to be silent.

Papi Pacify is another warped roll a spliff slo-mo electronic jam. It sounds slightly stoned, sensual and very late night, as much concerned with creating its own ambient cocoon of sound as it is being a pop tune. It also features a black and white video that depending on your perspective is either weird, beautiful, disturbing, sexual, innovative, artistic or freakily dark.

FKA Twigs - Papi Pacify