Sunday, 14 July 2013

Sampha - Without

Way back in February 2011 Sampha made his first appearance on Breaking More Waves alongside Jessie Ware with a track called Valentine. It’s fascinating to see the trajectory of Jessie since then. These days if she so much as farts into a microphone you can be pretty certain that the internet will implode as websites and blogs rush to post about it, whereas 2 and a half years ago when we featured Valentine (still our favourite Jessie Ware song) it was 24 hours before another Hype Machine listed blog followed suit and posted the MP3. At that stage neither Jessie or Sampha had built up enough headway to be treated to a blog premiere, a  P*tchfork exclusive or the blog-buzz-firstie frenzy that humans vs the internet seems to have created.

Since then we’ve not featured Sampha at all, but now there finally comes news of his debut EP Duals through Young Turks (with a P*tchfork premiere of course) and from it the track we’re streaming below. Since that P*tchfork exclusive Without has been all over the internet last week (we figure if P*tchfork wrote about a tramp vomiting some blog somewhere in the world would be tripping over itself to post about it and declare it the future of music, thankfully though this song is not that sound), but we’re taking it slower having let it ripple over us for a few days. In those few days we’ve come to the conclusion that Without is pretty worldwide gorgeous. The gentle cantering beats and the soothing vocals are just lovely and although lyrically it may not be poetic brilliance it bodes very well for that EP.

Sampha - Without (You Tube Audio Stream)

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