Tuesday 11 June 2013

MØ - Waste Of Time (Video)

One of our highlights of the 2013 Great Escape Festival in Brighton was alt-pop queen in waiting .  Her set in Digital alongside the equally superb Lulu James and Chvrches was filled with so much energy that it wouldn’t surprise us if Duracell or Lucozade were already after a sponsorship deal with her. Coming on like Lykke Li’s younger more petulant sister, MØ’s air punching / pointing, hair flipping, gymnastic strides dancing was infectious, mesmerising and demonstrated (in the same way that Charli XCX manages to do in her live shows) that to be cool / edgy doesn’t mean that you have to stand there looking moody, staring at the floor ignoring the world. It’s possible to be cool and dance your arse off, particularly if the dancing comes across as feeling the music in a natural way rather than some overly thought out routine.

So here’s MØ’s new video for forthcoming single Waste of Time which she revealed, released, unveiled, put up on the internet today. To our way of thinking it doesn’t have enough of MØ in it, but you get a hint of the hair flips and general awesomeness (we hate the word awesome it’s over used, but in this instance, it’s OK to use it) of the way she moves. Oh and then there’s the song. It might not grab you fully on first listen, but go see her live and then suddenly the whole thing is transformed into something that much more.

MØ if you’re or asking, or dancing, we’d like to come along and throw ourselves around on the dance floor with you please. Waste of Time is released through Chess Club / RCA Victor on July 7th.

MØ - Waste of Time (Video)

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