Monday, 10 June 2013

Elliott Power - Saw [Did]

Damn those mystery artists and their skills to cloak the internet and the mighty Google search from our prying eyes. We can’t blame them though. Take an act like the helmeted robots Daft Punk and their ability to create an incredible aura around Random Access Memories, their fourth proper LP in twenty years. It’s an album that went to number 1 in pretty much every country in the world, including the U.S, where previously their best Billboard position was number 44 with Discovery. Yet despite being hugely commercially successful and massive stars, Thomas and Guy-Manuel could walk down the street of pretty much any town or city and not be recognised. Their anonymity has not only assisted their musical career through the intrigue and enigma that its creates, but has helped protect them from the ridiculous non-private world of celebrity.

Elliott Power has a long way to go to reach the dizzy heights of Daft Punk.  If they’re on the top penthouse floor of the skyscraper he’s not even opened the ground floor lift door yet. Yet apart from revealing his name he’s done well so far in keeping everything else about him under wraps. All we have to focus on is the music. So let’s do that.

Saw [Did] might only be a B-Side (we featured the flip side here in a new waves feature), but it itches the ears with its dark funky bleepy rhythmic insistence and spliffy inner city atmosphere. With the whispered unsettling vocals and funky trip hop beats the name of Tricky is once again the obvious reference point and it’s certainly not a bad comparison point to have, Maxinquaye being (alongside Bjork’s Post, PJ Harvey’s To Bring You My Love and Radiohead’s The Bends) one of the best albums of 1995 amongst the Britpop splurge. Combine this track with Sink / Swim and this debut single is a vital purchase when it is released on 24th June, even if we don’t know anything about Mr Power.

Elliot Power - Saw [Did]

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