Thursday, 18 April 2013

London Grammar - Wasting My Young Years

Last night London Grammar’s new song Wasting My Young Years was made public to the internet. Ten minutes after release we witnessed the usual blog scrum that occurs when a band with a deafening internet buzz uploads new material. Sometimes it’s the volume of the buzz that is the problem, with too many bloggers cutting and pasting code for quick hits and ‘firsty’ status rather than giving themselves time to really get to know the music which can then turn out to be distinctly average.

So we’ve lived with this one for a few hours to make sure. We’ve let it breathe and take us on a journey and yet ultimately at the end of the road we've come to exactly the same conclusion as those who posted within seconds of hearing it.

Wasting My Young Years is less pop than either Metal & Dust or its b-side Hey Now, but if anything is more dramatic, confident and atmospheric than their debut single. It’s a song that manages to sweep in introspection and soar with beauty; Hannah’s striking voice the focal point being full of both soul and mysticism. Consider us knocked sideways.

Imagine this played in a church by the seaside. How glorious would that be? Well, London Grammar will be doing exactly that next month at Brighton’s Great Escape festival. We’re expecting that one to be oversubscribed. See you near the front of the queue if you’re going. That won’t be a waste of your young (or old) years.

London Grammar - Wasting My Young Years

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