Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Watsky - Hey, Asshole ft Kate Nash (Video)

Kate Nash seems to have a habit of confusing people. From her debut single Caroline’s A Victim (an almost non-song with just some simplistic beats and anti-cool lyrics with a pretty and sweetly acoustic B-Side in Birds) to a pure pop moment that jostled with Rihanna for number 1 (Foundations) to another (Under-Estimate The Girl) non-song that screamed, growled and gurgled like grandma-grunge on You Tube, rapidly generating equal amounts of love and loathing. Next up is her forthcoming Pledge Music funded girl-gang album Girl Talk which from the live performances we’ve seen will take references from lo-fi surf rock, garage guitars, pop and riot girl, distancing herself from those who loved Foundations and likely to lead to development of  a smaller but more hardcore audience. Maybe Kate might even end up as some sort of weird art-chameleon cult singer if she sticks at it?

If you’re amongst the puzzled then her next episode, a collaboration with San Francisco rapper and poet Watsky (the only recording artist we know who is releasing an album that will feature packaging that folds out into a cardboard castle), certainly isn’t going to provide you with any answers. “Will the real Kate Nash please stand up,” you might expect Watsky to rap.

But there’s a simple explanation for all of this; it boils down to creativity and energy. Nash has oodles of both and quite simply can’t stay still. It wouldn’t surprise us if after the next album she goes and records a full-on Kraftwerk inspired electronic album (OK, that’s a Breaking More Waves fantasy of the highest order, but let us live and luxuriate with it, everyone has to have dreams, but Kate if you do, we will leave our girlfriend and children and come and propose marriage to you, er maybe, well we'll think about it at least). However, whatever Nash does she probably won’t be able to help herself from occasionally sneaking in a sprightly pop melody and a little bit of potty mouthed attitude as well. She’s certainly done it again on Hey Asshole, a song about taking life’s punches and finding the strength to get up and keep searching for that pot of gold even when as Watsky says “ I don't see a f*cking rainbow and my coffee's cold.” You've got to eventually find the colour of life, just like this video does.

Watsky - Hey, Asshole ft Kate Nash (Video)

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