Monday, 17 September 2012

Chvrches - The Mother We Share

So here we go. This is the new song from Glasgow’s Chvrches, who we first introduced back in May and then wrote about again here. It is very exciting.

We’ve done some maths to decide exactly why it is very exciting.

Here is our working out.

1. It has some deliciously hooky ‘oh-oh’ bits in it. Scotland seems to like the ‘oh-oh’ at the moment. Want more evidence? Listen to Nina Nesbitt here and see what we mean. (The first lot of oh-oh’s come in after about 40 seconds if you are short of attention span).

2. It sounds a lot like Purity Ring. Listen to Purity Ring here and see what we mean. However even with just two songs online Chvrches have more variety than Purity Ring, who despite a brilliant set of initial releases produced an album that is just one idea throughout.

3. Lead singer Lauren sounds a bit like Strawberry Switchblade, who incidentally were also from Scotland. Listen to how they sang here.

So basically Chvrches The Mother We Share is

(Purity Ring + Nina Nesbitt + Strawberry Switchblade) / Goodness = Very exciting.

Really if you like female fronted electropop (and quite clearly we do) then you can’t give Chvrches anything less than an A* right now.

Top of the class.

(Footnote – Their musical maths may be great, but Chvrches score an E (Fail) at English. Churches is not spelt with a V in the middle of it, no matter how great it is for Google searches. This change in name may be born from practical reasons but how are the kids of today ever supposed to learn the Queen’s English when her subjects are pissing around like this? They really need to get together with south coast electronic duo Curxes and practice spelling together.)

Chvrches - The Mother We Share

1 comment:

  1. On the subject of 'v' - In Latin, the letter 'v' was used instead of a 'u'. I think the change works well in the context of their name.

    C.f the short lived children's show "Aquila".
