Wednesday, 27 June 2012


Last week we canvassed various bloggers and other music commentators for a few opinions and theories on Kate Nash’s Under-Estimate The Girl and posted them on the blog. The most important theory was that theories are a waste of time because they are just that, theories and not reality - people's belief systems click into play based on their pre-conceived ideas and their environment.

Yesterday we attempted to inject a little bit of reality into the theory and went to see Kate Nash live in Oxford. Following in Kate’s spontaneous footsteps (she recorded and posted Under Estimate The Girl in 24 hours and uploaded it straight to the internet without a care what anyone thought) we decided to annoy the hell out of anybody who follows us on Twitter and ‘live tweet’ the gig under the hashtag #katenashlivetweets. We don’t review gigs on Breaking More Waves anymore except for festivals, but you can see a flavour of some of the show in reverse chronology using the link above. 

1 comment:

  1. (she recorded and posted Under Estimate The Girl in 24 hours and uploaded it straight to the internet without a care what anyone though)

    or maybe it's a bit of Sandy Thom PR style poppycock. I tend to think the latter. ( 24 minutes? Now I could maybe believe that given the end product)
