Saturday, 4 February 2012

The Saturday Surf #29

Ask any music blogger about post volumes and editorial content length and you’ll inevitably get different answers. Some will argue for multiple posts a day with little editorial (who reads this stuff anyway, surely it’s about listening to the tunes and watching the videos) whilst others will say that it’s better to post fewer times with greater volumes of text and thought. We suspect that the reality of a blogs style and content has as much to do with an individual’s personal life than it does any intellectual process. Let’s face it if you’re a student or unemployed you’ve probably got plenty of time to listen and post as much content as you want. At the other extreme if your life is full with a busy day job / family etc the chances are you’re doing well to post at all.

Our view is there is room for all types and styles of music blogs – we read / listen to both, although sometimes wonder if anyone actually makes it to the bottom of our longer posts without stifling a yawn or just skipping to the music.

Still with us? Haven’t yawned yet? Good, because the point we’re trying to make here is about our own situation. This week has been a good week in the fields of new music. It’s like being able to wander through an orchard and grab tasty musical apples by the basket load without even really thinking. Except the trouble is, in our case time is always working against us and just opening the gate and getting into the grove is complex. This is why we have The Saturday Surf. It’s a chance to quickly catch up with the musical fruits that nearly got away.

Alice Jemima – Far From Here

If Alice Jemima was an apple she’d be a Gala; crisp with plenty of rosy sweetness. Far From Here is a delicious little taster recorded on Garageband, whilst she beavers away growing something even more scrumptious in bigger studios for the future.

Foxes – Youth (Adventure Club Remix)

Remember Foxes ? We listed her as one of our Ones to Watch for 2012 (see what we said here) and all of a sudden she’s become music’s version of a Pink Lady apple because of this remix. Why a pink lady ? Because Orange Pippin website (a comprehensive resource for apples and orchards) named it as no.1 in their top ten varieties of apples as voted for by their visitors and users of Hype Machine (a comprehensive resource for new music and banging remixes) have been voting for this remix of Youth in their masses.

The Neighbourhood – Female Robbery

If the two previous musical fruits were lacking in crunch for you here’s something more guitar based. The Neighbourhood have an EP coming in late March / early April and this taster track is a good start. The Neighbourhood are like a Granny Smith in so far as they’re slightly tart and have grown out of California.

That was the apples of the week  Saturday Surf. Full of musical fructose and vitamins.


  1. You got it just right here. I blog more or less solo; when I have the time and the inspiration to do it. I read and listen (live included , again when I can) to lots too - Breaking More Waves included.
    I think that it's a pretty good mix and, as you say, there is so much to find at the moment. I just hope that the whole multi-stranded theme can continue.

  2. Loving the Alice Jemima song (super cute) and The Neighbourhood sound promising.

    Foxes is great but a dubstep remix ? Bleurgh.
