Thursday, 9 February 2012

Outfit - Dashing In Passing / Holiday (Video)

Outfit are a confusing band aren’t they? At the end of 2011 we placed them in our Ones to Watch 2012 list because after some initial online buzz and a few so-so tracks they took things up a gear with Two Islands, a preposterously subtle but hip-wiggling tune that had us all collectively pigeon holing them under the sign ‘The New Wild Beasts’.

Now with those credentials established here’s the new Outfit single. And it sounds nothing like Wild Beasts at all. There's also a video piece commissioned by the Static Gallery to respond to themes involved in 2011's Terminal Convention Project which samples Madonna over an ambient spacey soundtrack. Again nothing like Wild Beasts or the new single. As we said, Outfit are a confusing band.

So it’s back to the drawing board for the music blogs including Breaking More Waves, once more learning the lesson that you should never jump to conclusions based on one song.

For Dashing In Passing is a flashing of the eyelids come-hither slo-mo jam that  gently sashays  it’s way to the box marked r’n’b.  It verges on being underwhelming, but in a good way, by slowly channelling its way into your brain. Like the flirtatious girl or boy you really want but can’t have it’s tantalising but never fully delivers, leaving you wanting more. Thankfully that more is coming though, so patience may be rewarded. As after this track is available on iTunes on February 13th an EP called Another Night's Dreams Reach Earth Again follows in April 2012. It will probably contain a hip-hop tune and a ballet score.

Quite how all of Outfit’s current releases are going to fit together to give the band a solid identity is yet to be seen. Maybe that will become clear when they head out on tour, starting this weekend in Brighton. If you want to know how the show goes, follow us on twitter here, where we’ll attempt to sum up the gig in 140 characters or less for you.

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