Welcome to 2012 and another year of Breaking More Waves. Happy New Year to you. Last year we made a few changes to the blog, namely dropping album and gig reviews and becoming more focussed on new music. We also ran a new nostalgic feature every Monday called Music That Made Me.
This year it’s really more of the same without Music That Made Me - that came to its logical planned conclusion.
One thing that readers say they like about Breaking More Waves is the more discursive articles so this year we’ll be running a series of these called In Defence Of. Expect us to attempt to support some pretty undefendable arguments. Feel free to tell us why we’re horrendously wrong with our justifications in the comments section. We’ve got thick skin and don’t take offence – whatever you say.
One thing that readers say they like about Breaking More Waves is the more discursive articles so this year we’ll be running a series of these called In Defence Of. Expect us to attempt to support some pretty undefendable arguments. Feel free to tell us why we’re horrendously wrong with our justifications in the comments section. We’ve got thick skin and don’t take offence – whatever you say.
We’ll still be bringing some debate and opinion into the regular new music posts as well though. We hope that readers get a sense of our personality through our words. We certainly don’t want to be one of those blogs that just writes three abstract sentences of drivel that actually say diddly squat – we’ll leave that to the pro or wannabe pro music journalists. What we’re doing here is fan journalism. It’s different. It’s more honest (we’re not being paid or edited) and it doesn’t have to justify itself in any way to the cool kids, the music industry or anyone else. It also doesn't have to be seen to be influential or hit readership targets. As we subscribe very much to the concept of 'it's ok to like any style of music' it also means that we'll continue to post whatever songs and artists we like, whatever genre they come from irrespective of they are major label, indie label or unsigned, commercial or alternative. The chances are you won't see much metal, reggae, hip-hop or jazz here, but we also reserve the right to contradict that statement if we find something we like in any of those genres.
There is however one small change to the blog this year, which you can see below. We thought New Year would be a nice time to start using the sexy new HTML 5 player from Soundcloud.It looks good and has no flash so it should play on mobile devices as well, which the previous Soundcloud didn't easily.
Just over 7 months ago when we first featured Lana Del Rey on the blog we had no idea of the commotion on the internet she was about to create. 'We're not quite sure where her songs will fit in today's pop landscape, but we're looking forward to hearing more,' we said, before the buzz kicked in. It seems that for now that Lana and her music belong to this moment, albeit in some ways she's still very much an enigma. How 2012 will pan out for her only time will tell. So let's enjoy the here and now with this incredibly stylish video packed full of artistic vision, a pretty first-class remix and as some wise old pop star once said, the future will take care of itself somehow.
Just over 7 months ago when we first featured Lana Del Rey on the blog we had no idea of the commotion on the internet she was about to create. 'We're not quite sure where her songs will fit in today's pop landscape, but we're looking forward to hearing more,' we said, before the buzz kicked in. It seems that for now that Lana and her music belong to this moment, albeit in some ways she's still very much an enigma. How 2012 will pan out for her only time will tell. So let's enjoy the here and now with this incredibly stylish video packed full of artistic vision, a pretty first-class remix and as some wise old pop star once said, the future will take care of itself somehow.
Happy New Year !
Lana Del Rey - Born To Die (Gemini Remix)
Lana Del Rey - Born To Die (Gemini Remix)
Lana Del Rey - Born To Die
Yay to reading Breaking More Waves on my iPad with html5!