Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Unicorn Kid - True Love Fantasy

No bull, this is amazing. Like doing naked keep fit outside in the middle of winter, True Love Fantasy is the ultimate hands-in-the-air-bounce-like-your-life-depends-on-it-gymnastics-anthem. What couldn’t you love about steel drum sounds, an old school rave air horn, shouty bits like her out of the Go Team and electronic laptop wizardry that takes you to paradise? Imagine it’s the end of the decade, there’s a huge explosion and all the buildings just take off like their balloons. This is the backing track to that spectacle.

Whether it’s punching from your iPod into your personal space or blasting out of huge speakers at a festival (we’ve tried both) True Love Fantasy just works. Unicorn Kid kept us waiting, leaving the best track on the EP till last, but as we’ve said before the most important ingredient in music is time. In fact Unicorn Kid has had enough time to change his hair colour for each promo picture for each track of the EP. You can download True Love Fantasy for free by clicking on the arrow below. It would be utterly ridiculous if you didn’t. Whilst you’re at it grab the other tracks from the EP here and here as well.

True Love Fantasy ft. Talk to Animals by ✌ Unicorn Kid ✌

1 comment:

  1. congratulations for your blog. Breaking More Waves have a link at Man On The Moon.
    Keep doin your good work!
