Monday, 3 October 2011

Creatures of Love - Barbatos

Wow. This is Barbatos the new single from Creatures of Love. It’s a track that is utterly immersed in epic sonic drama that's been waiting in the corner like some sort of cloaked vampire, readying to unleash itself. It has been some time coming, the demo version of the song first featuring on this blog way back in January.

Featuring the enigmatic and booming vocal of lead singer Bonita, Barbatos is both sinister and beautiful. The big icy electronic soundscapes and hugely powerful pipes firmly place Creatures of Love alongside the likes of other Breaking More Waves favourites such as Zola Jesus, Curxes and Alpines. It’s eerily brilliant –the musical equivalent of enjoying your own funeral. Listen to the way the whole thing orgasms at just past the three minute fifteen mark. Now that’s what we call music.

However, we have one reservation; Barbatos has a seriously disturbing video, one that after some consideration we have decided not to post or support on this site. Instead we’ll focus on the music and this brooding passionate song.

Creatures of Love will be supporting The Joy Formidable on their October UK tour. If they’re near a town near you (dates here) you’d be a fool not to go.

Creatures Of Love - Barbatos


  1. Great blog!

    Disturbing video? Nothing wrong at all for admiring some of nature's most beautiful creations. Awesome song (and video), thanks for turning me on (to them). ;)

  2. Disturbing only because many people don't seem to get the message (see above), even though it's pretty clear.
