When posting a track by Example we almost feel the need to defend ourselves. In the new music blogosphere to prove your credentials there occasionally seems to be a view that you’ve got to be posting the most up and coming, fresh and preferably underground tracks. So as a blogger, posting the new single by Example isn’t going to ingratiate you with your peer group. He’s not exactly Wu Lyf, Odd Future or Grimes is he?
Thankfully we have no credentials to prove and therefore provide no defence except this; when Example started out he was pretty rubbish. Then along came Kickstarts and we changed our mind a little. Then we saw him live and despite initial reservations his boisterous rabble-rousing electronic pop-rap tunes won us over. Now he has a third album ready and this is the first track from it. It’s called Changed the Way You Kiss Me. It a monstrously uplifting strobe light frenzy banger, taking the structure of the synth build of Insomnia by Faithless as a reference point and then punching the sky with it. It’s a little bit Eurotrash, it’s a little bit ravey, it’s a little bit cringe-worthy, it’s also a little bit good. No defence required.
Who fancies a dance then?
Example - Changed The Way You Kiss Me
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