Saturday, 25 September 2010

Clare Maguire - Ain't Nobody (Breakage Remix)

We don’t make a habit of posting blogs on Saturday, but today we’re making a huge exception. Because we’ve just received a remix that has been getting a fair few people very hot under the collar. It’s the Breakage remix of Breaking More Waves new(ish) favourite lady Clare Maguire and her debut single Ain't Nobody, and it's available for download and streaming below (downloads limited to first 100)

Heavily spacious and full of headphone blowing power this remix does what all great remixes should do – it takes the song to a very different place and a very different audience. But irrespective of the remix, let’s not forget why we first fell in love with Maguire back in January 2009. It was because of her remarkable voice. We still don’t think we’ve given a sufficient explanation of Maguire’s vocal prowess, but may we suggest that she reminds us a little of Annie Lennox – a singer blessed with a set of lungs that sounded soulful and moving whatever style of music she turned to.

Having been lucky enough to catch Maguire play her only live show so far this year (here) we’ll also be reporting back from one of her forthcoming support slots on Hurts UK tour next month. It’s quite possibly our idea of musical pop paradise - two of this blogs favourite artists in one room together for one night. Anything could happen.

*Update - Sorry but within 24 hours of posting we'd reached our maximum download limit on this track, so now the remix is for streaming only.

Clare Maguire - Ain't Nobody (Breakage Remix) by Breaking More Waves

1 comment:

  1. the official breakage/clare maguire video - edit
