Tuesday, 3 November 2009

Noughties By Nature @ Sweeping The Nation

Today we divert you towards Sweeping The Nation blog, who have just started a monumental feature entitled Noughties by Nature. This is a project where Simon the erudite author of Sweeping The Nation and invited guests write about what they believe to be the best songs of the last 118 months (that’s 2000-2009 for those whom calender maths is not a strong point), be they international hits or unreleased gems. There's going to be about 120 posts till the end of the year. Breaking More Waves has contributed to this huge project and has written about six of our favourite songs of the decade. The list promises to be a highly entertaining read, as Sweeping The Nation’s tag line is “It may be white lower middle class schmindie hipster shit, bet hey, it’s British.” We fully expect it to be somewhat different from the usual lists bashed out by the mainstream ageing rock press, or even Pitchforks superb but slightly Americanised list. The first two songs that were listed and written about are Overload by Sugababes and Formed A Band by Art Brut, so you can see the kind of eclecticism that is going on here, although we suspect as it develops the indie vibe will really kick in. In the main our choices may be a little more populist than the average.

Our first choice and number 3 in the list is Can’t Get You Out Of My Head by Kylie Minogue. Read what we said about it here. Then visit Sweeping the Nation everyday, maybe twice a day as we will be, to enjoy the rest of the writing as posts go up every six hours or so.

1 comment:

  1. Cheers. My one reservation so far, apart from the slowness of new people to get on board, is that it's a little too indie-centric, as I suppose befits the blog at the end of the day but a few attempts to get hip hop and dubstep contributors just for balance have come to nothing so far. (Mind you, tomorrow is quite pop)
