Saturday, 25 April 2009

Everything Everything @ Portsmouth Fat Fox

Just down the road Dappy and his gang are rocking the joint. N-Dubz are in town and no doubt the teenagers of the south coast are having the time of their lives. Meanwhile in another corner of the city a smaller select group stare intently at four men who are standing on stage whilst nursery rhyme favourite The Wheels On The Bus plays over the P.A. The music stops and the band launch into a disjointed, sometimes complex experimental indie guitar sound where lemonade keyboards fizz, frantic drums judder and high pitched harmonic yelping vocals are delivered in the fashion of an art school Futureheads. This is the world of Everything Everything and it’s one that would probably make the fans of Dappy, Fazer and Tulisa think they have entered a parallel universe.

“This is as new to us as it is to you,” announce the band before they rocket into songs that certainly don’t sound formulaic or straightforward. They’re like an indie version of a free form jazz band forsaking true melodies for experimentation, yet they maintain the reins enough to keep to three and four minute pop songs. There are moments when there is a hint of Prince, a lick of Wild Beasts, a pinch of Vampire Weekend guitar and on the stomping, rocking and grooving Suffragette Suffragette a light wash of TV On The Radio. With this sound and a keyboard playing vocalist that stands side on to the audience, Everything Everything are certainly not conventional. In places their approach of throwing so many ideas into the mix makes them almost inaccessible. When however the frenetic experimental energy of the music is allowed a little bit of breathing space, songs do begin to come through.

If 2009 is the year of slightly oddball band and performer then Everything Everything are right there in the mix.

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